The enormous changes brought by globalisation are seemingly irreversible. Or are they?
Globalisation : Can it really be stopped?
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- Is globalization to blame? Most American politicians are blaming the constant loss of their jobs on globalization and digital technology, and promising to bring back American jobs. Even President Barack Obama said in 2012 that he does not want America to be known as a nation for financial speculation and a nation dependent on imports from other countries.
- Major changes needed! This would need tax breaks to companies attempting to create jobs, and penalizing companies that outsource jobs, as President Trump is trying to do now. He promised to overhaul the tax structure and impose 20% tax on goods imported into the US.
- Sealing is impossible! However, today manufacturing is digital information that flows and cannot be sealed. Today, every human activity can be instantly transformed into fluid digital data that can be distributed globally.
- Hardware = Software! The distinction between hardware and software is fast disappearing. This is due to cloud technology, which can not only stored and retrieved instantly, but it can also be transformed into predictive intelligence about all kinds of human behavior.
- Major features of the world that exists today : Convergence, instantaneity and feedback have made internet the most powerful medium of communication. Besides manufacturing, the outsourcing of research and development has brought various countries into a virtual domain where muscle power and brainpower are shared and enhanced.
- Fusion everywhere! Digital globe is lowering barriers for fusion of disparate cultures which threatens authoritarian regimes. China is carrying out a cultural cleansing of its popular media by banning digital pollution. It insists on traditional virtues and socialist core values.
- Deep Dive : Read our Bodhi Saars on global trade here ; on trade barriers here ; on nationalism and protectionism here
- New media challenges the status quo : Every new medium of communication challenges our concept of space and time with cultural, economic and political consequences. The invention of telegraph in 1837 the geography based metaphor of communication. And impacted American Civil War, compelling Abraham Lincoln to impose newspaper censorship. Digital global has further changed our view of space and time.
- Digital Corporations : Globally networked corporation like General Electric calls itself a digital corporation. Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook have completely changed the idea of space and time. Today, “Made in America” or “Made in China” hardly make any sense. Digital global has become a multidimensional universe where telepresence and artificial intelligence create activities which are as real as they are in physical space.
- Do check out exams-focussed Confidence Booster series of learning resources, here! For developing your word power, go to our Vocabulary Boosters here
- Download Resources : Also, download many PDFs on world economy and politics from our Bodhi Resources page here
- Some images will make the context clear.
A beautiful historical record, courtesy and author Max Roser

Some WTO charts and data (from 2011, a delicate year for world trade)
Merchandise exports and imports (indicates trade, hence globalisation)
Commercial services exports and imports (indicates trade, hence globalisation)
The KOF index of globalisation
(download report from Bodhi Resources page)
(download report from Bodhi Resources page)
How trade fluctuated worldwide
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